At PLB, we’re increasingly focused on sustainability. We don’t profess to be experts and are acutely aware that we are only at the beginning of our sustainability journey. What we are focused on is understanding more about how we can be better, being aware of the implications of every decision we make, and ensuring we are moving forward, even if gradual steps at time.
We made the decision to take part in a full review by EcoVadis. Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 130,000+ rated companies. The EcoVadis platform helps us manage ESG risk and compliance, meet corporate sustainability goals, and drive impact at scale by guiding our sustainability performance improvement and that of our value chain.
We are delighted to have been awarded a Bronze sustainability rating, which puts us in the top 35% of all reviewed businesses. A long way to go, but to have been awarded this accolade has given us even more determination and passion to get to the next level. Watch this space!