We have been reviewing our strategy and positioning, and ensuring we are in an optimum place to support all client’s needs coming out of COVID.

It has been a challenging time for everyone, and we have understood and embraced the need to change in line with the guidelines to make us stronger than ever, for our clients.
We are under no illusion of the unprecedented challenge ahead, but we have taken all the diligent steps to be able to start operating in stores in whatever capacity this new normal is – and have completed several installs in the past few weeks. We of course remain focused on our team’s safety, as well as anyone they may come into contact with.
We have created a document ‘Business as UNusual’, which is a view of the current industry, through our lens. The intention is to cut through the noise and provide a platform for businesses to think and support the navigation of this situation together – please have a read (link below) and get in touch if you’d like to discuss over a virtual coffee!